What is a dog sitter?

You are going to be away from home for holidays, work or an emergency and you cannot take your dog with you? You're thinking of putting him in a dog kennel. But before you do this, did you consider using a dog sitter?

Definition of dog sitter

The term "dog sitter" is based on "babysitter", as the two concepts are indeed very similar. It simply refers to the person who looks after a dog in the absence of its owner. A dog sitter can offer a variety of services.

Dog walking

You can't go home at noon to walk your dog and you feel guilty. Thanks to a dog sitter, you'll never have to blame yourself again. Indeed, the dog walking service allows your dog to safely stretch its legs even when you are not able to do so. The person comes to your home to pick up your dog and takes him for a walk to relieve himself. You can give him a specific circuit to follow or let him decide his own route.

Dog sitting at home

Dog sitting at home means that a dog sitter comes to your home to look after your dog in your absence. He will take care of him, feed him, walk him, play with him and cuddle him. This is a perfect solution for dogs that do not like to leave their environment and prefer to keep their little habits.

Dog sitting with a host family

If home care is not possible, you should consider dog sitting with a host family. With this service, your dog will temporarily move to the house of the dog sitter for the duration of your absence. Your dog will share his daily life and be around family members and possibly other pets. It's a very good alternative to a kennel, especially if your dog is sociable!

On the Holidog website, you can find a ton of in-depth dog sitter information.


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How to find the perfect dog sitter?

Finding a dog sitter isn't enough. You must find the RIGHT dog sitter. Thanks to Holidog, finding a great dog sitter near you has never been easier. Go to the homepage, fill out your postal code and the type of service you require and you will gain access to a large list of dog sitters near you.

At Holidog, the well-being of your dog is our number one priority. That's why we make sure we only allow dog sitters that fit our criteria on our platform. All profiles are checked manually before being validated and publicised. Evaluations and prices are displayed in full transparency. You also have the opportunity to talk to various dog sitters so that you can make the most informed choice possible.

Once you've found the ideal dog sitter, you must, for your part, give him a lot of information about your dog. Why? Because it will allow him to better understand your dog and react appropriately to a variety of situations. Talk to the dog sitter about your dog´s character and habits. Is your dog fearful or reckless? Does he get along with other dogs?

If your furry friend has a medical condition or is sick, you have to inform the dog sitter. This is important, because the dog sitter will have to give him his treatment as effectively as possible. Also remember to leave the number of your veterinarian, as well as the number of a trusted person who can intervene if necessary.

Dog sitter rates

Giving an exact price is difficult, but we can provide an average price range. First of all, you have to take into account the geographical location.

As usual, dog sitter rates are the highest in Canberra. But also in general, prices are generally higher in cities than in more rural areas.

Another point to take into account is the dog sitting period. Some times of the year are more popular than others, such as summer, winter or spring holidays. Also remember to book in advance so you don't find yourself choosing any dog sitter that is still available, paying a high price or not getting the sitter that actually fulfils your needs, or both.

Finally, the experience of the dog sitter is to be taken into account. An experienced person will ask a little more of you than a beginner. However, high prices are no guarantee of quality. Finally, beware of prices that seem to good to be true: they usually are. Remember that we are talking about the health and well being of your dog.

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